Better safe than sorry.

Better safe than sorry.

Better safe than sorry.

It’s no secret that dogs LOVE people food, and when they beg for table scraps with those innocent puppy eyes, it’s hard to resist throwing a few crumbs their way. But dogs will also eat anything, so it’s up to us to know which foods are safe for our pups to eat and which ones we should keep them far, far away from.

So let’s take a closer look. Can your dog have the foods listed below?

  1. Chocolate: Never.

Most people know this, but they may not know why. A chemical in chocolate called methylxanthine can stop a dog’s metabolism, so don’t let your pooch near this sweet treat.

2. Shrimp: Yes, actually! As long as it’s fully cooked and out of it’s tail, shrimp is perfectly safe, in addition to being full of antioxidants and low in fat, calories, and carbs.

3. Eggs: Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Never let your dog eat raw eggs, but cooked ones are high in protein and can even help an upset stomach.

4. Turkey: Definitely! Yes, your dog can enjoy Thanksgiving, too! Just make sure the turkey meat doesn’t have too much garlic or spice on it, and double check that you didn’t leave any bones behind.

5. Garlic and onions: Absolutely not. The allium family, which includes onions, leeks, garlic, and chives, can cause anemia in dogs.

6. Peanut Butter: Yes! Dogs love peanut butter, and it’s full of awesome proteins, fats, and vitamins. (But be careful: make sure it’s not a brand that contains xylitol, which can be deadly!)

7. Popcorn: Sure! As long as it’s popped, unsalted and unbuttered.

8. Cinnamon: No way! The oils in cinnamon can irritate a dog’s mouth and lead to diarrhea, vomiting, and liver disease.

9. Pork: Yes. Pork is full of great proteins. But as with other meats, make sure it’s not covered in too many spices and oils, and never give it to your dog raw.

10. Macadamia Nuts: Not ever. Believe it or not, macadamia nuts are even worse for dogs than chocolate. They can cause vomiting, lethargy, and can even affect the nervous system.

11. Cheese: Yes! Yummy cheese is fine for your dogs, but try to serve it in moderation (if you can keep your pup away!).

12. Tuna: Yes (but just a little). Canned tuna has omega-3 fatty acids, which promote heart and eye health. But it also has mercury and sodium, so tuna should definitely not be an everyday treat.

13. Avocados: Nope! Avocados have a chemical compound called persin that can be toxic to dogs.

14. Grapes: No. Sorry to say that grapes can actually cause kidney failure in dogs.

15. Salty snacks: No. (Sorry, pups!) No. Alas, even though they taste great, large amounts of salty foods can cause sodium ion poisoning.

16. Bones: Yes…carefully! Bones are some of dogs’ favorite treats, but too much rich marrow can make a dog very sick. So toss your pooch the leftover bones, but make sure you check them first.